Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Wednesday, September 8, 2004

"Honey, wake up!"


"Honey, it's time to get up for work."

I rub my eyes and look at the clock. Crap, 9:00 already. "Can't I sleep in a little longer?"

"Now dear, you know you have an important meeting at 10:00. Get up, you sleepy head!"

Nag. "Yes, dear."

"Did you have fun last night with the boys from work?"

Not really. "Yeah, I suppose so. But it's kinda weird - I think they don't drink as much as I do. At one point I woke up at the table, and the other guys were all in another room talking. I asked them what was up and they just said it was boring business stuff. Do you think I should worry about it?"

"Oh, you silly - you should be glad that they don't bother you with the boring stuff."

Yeah, I suppose that's right. I get into the bathroom to begin the complicated process of getting myself ready for the day. Hop into the shower. Rinse, lather, repeat. Wait, that's not right... Lather, rinse, repeat. Bam! Nailed it this time!

"Honey! I have time for breakfast right? You know I hate it when I don't get my Pop Tarts!"

"Sorry, dear, this meeting is very important. You should have woken up earlier if you wanted breakfast."

Nag. "All right. But I have time to watch SpongeBob though, right?"

"You know you don't, silly head! Don't worry, I'll Tivo it for you."

Nag. No Pop Tarts, no SpongeBob, but I'm ready to go. Another exciting day before me. Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off...

"Honey, did you forget your cuff links again?"

"Of course I didn't!" Nag. I go and get the cuff links off the table.

Now I'm ready to go. Down the hall, take a right. Bill's looking good today, good old Bill. "Morning Bill, how's everything going?"

"Just fine, just fine. Ready for another day of saving the world, Mr. President?"

1 comment:

Scooter said...

Kevin, you missed your calling - you could have worked as a magazine writer at the New York Press:
Tracking Jenna