Saturday, September 25, 2004

Movie Review: The Hours

I hate movies like this.

This is the kind of movie that art critics love, not because it's a good movie, but because it looks like a good movie, and if you don't say that you like it, everyone will think that you're retarded.

How did Nicole Kidman win an Oscar for this? Simple, she put on a prosthetic nose. I'm not sure what it says about the state of women's roles in Hollywood right now, but to win an Oscar lately you need to be a beautiful woman pretending to be ugly (Charlize Theron), a beautiful woman with a prosthetic nose (Kidman), or a beautiful woman being trashy (Halle Berry). Let's see, I guess that means that Renee Zelwegger is guaranteed the next Oscar for adding 30 pounds in the upcoming Bridget Jones movie.

This movie is full of people acting very dramatically. Ooh, look at the anguish on their faces. They have such difficult decisions - should they kill themselves, or continue to live their posh existence with people who love them. What a bunch of losers. Ed Harris throws himself out of a window after muttering some very touching and (I'm sure) meaningful commentary on the state of the world, when, in reality, his last words would be "OH SHIT!!!"

I want my money back, and I didn't even pay for the damn thing.


MeanMrMustard said...

See, I wouldn't make a good movie critic. I was willing to forgive almost all of the problems with the movie just because it gave me a chance to watch Meryl Streep have a nervous breakdown. I'll forgive a lot in order to watch Meryl Streep.

PTW said...

Neither one of you is enough of a girl to appreciate this movie--that's the problem.

Klund, did you see the original documentary (actually, -aries) about Aileen Wuornos? She was precisely as over-the-top as Theron portrayed her to be. Worth watching, if you haven't seen them.

klund said...

I don't mean to imply that Theron did not deserve her Oscar. I thought she did a great job. I will vehemently disagree with Kidman winning for this movie - I thought she was better in The Others.

BiggTree said...

I watched "Miss Congeniality" last night. This is a movie where a beautiful woman (Sandra Bullock) pretends to be an ugly woman pretending to be a beautiful woman. No Oscar buzz. Go figure.

BiggTree said...

I watched "Miss Congeniality" last night. This is a movie where a beautiful woman (Sandra Bullock) pretends to be an ugly woman pretending to be a beautiful woman. No Oscar buzz. Go figure.

BiggTree said...

hmmm double'd I do that I wonder?

klund said...

I'd say it's a result of Amazing Skill + Amazing Talent.