Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Good, Clean Fun

Can you guess which person doesn't find this picture hilarious?

(Hint: He only has one hand!)


MeanMrMustard said...


Scooter said...

Is it you? Because it looks like your foot might fall off in that other picture.

The one-armed man from the Fugative?

Tall Brad, because that's his hand?

Any number of Zen Masters who feel you're just trying to find the easy way to enlightenment?

A whole bunch of wounded vets that aren't getting adequate VA coverage?

Jimmy "the bird" Parton?

Anyone who has to light a shamash (both because it would be difficult, and the whole need-your-whole-body religious thing)

The subject of this song?

Carl Weathers, in Happy Gilmore?

BiggTree said...

Q: What to crocodiles and humans have in common?

A: They both think the other tastes like chicken.