Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I haven't blogged in 8 days! If I'm not careful I'll be as bad as Mean Mr. Mustard!


Scooter said...

You can just link to the comments you wrote on my blog - that counts, doesn't it? I could also write a post or two for you, like I did for Mr. Mustard. I can provide you with a list of possible topics: Tall Brad, Mean Mr. Mustard rewriting CDFFL, driving to the cities and unpainting Emma's room at night when Mean Mr. Mustard is asleep, feltching...I have others.

klund said...

Please write a post about Mean Mr. Mustard feltching the CDFFL rewrite. Then I can link to that.

Scooter said...

What Mean Mr. Mustard is doing to CDFFL is more like teabagging than it is like feltching.