Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Hold the Palantír!

There was actually a 17 year delay between Frodo getting the ring and leaving on his quest. Hello, Mr. Jackson - did you bother to even read the damn book?!?!?

I really liked the movies, but now that I'm starting to see inaccuracies, I'm not so sure.


MeanMrMustard said...

Just wait 'til you find out you have to read all the way into "Return of the King" before Arwen actually says anything!

BiggTree said...

H.P. and the P. of Azkaban was a different book/movie combo, but I had similiar frustrations. I understand that movies will have to take some license in the interest of time and such. The first two H.P. movies were thoroughly enjoyable even with the minor "inaccuracies". I found the third to be so messed up and poorly produced it drove me nuts. Which was a shame as I thought it was a better book than the first two.

klund said...

I recently had the pleasure of watching the three extant Harry Potter movies in a span of three days. Prisoner of Azkaban was significantly different than the other two (not surprising, given the directorial change). I fluctuated back and forth on whether I liked it more or less than the other two. I settled on more. The biggest drawback to Azkaban was the new Dumbledore. That will teach them to cast old people who are supposed to be recurring characters for the next 15 years.

I'm very curious to see how they will attempt Goblet of Fire and Order of the Phoenix. Either they're going to make the movies over three hours, or they'll have to ignore giant chunks of text - there's just so much more in those books.

Also, unless Rowling has completely sold out, The Half-Blood Prince is set up to be fantastic. A war of good against evil, wizard style? I'm all for it.

BiggTree said...

Oddly the new Dumbledore didn't bother me. I guess I was expecting a change in that regard. The new guy was inferior, but passable as Dumbledore. I had given the child stars a pass on not being very good actors in the first two films, because finding talented children is hard. They hadn't gotten any better. I thought Snape's performance had fallen off from the first two. Worstly, I had been eagerly awaiting the showdown in the shrieking shack and left disappointed. The scene in the movie had a playhouse feel to it. The scene's dialouge has some heavy plot stuff to digest but the actors rattled off their lines so fast that it was hard for it to sink in. With the speed and heavy accent I could only understand every 3rd word spoken.

I was shocked to see how easy it was for Fred and George to spot Harry under the cloak. Hermione and Ron didn't go into Honeydukes with Harry. Madame Rosmerta wasn't as hot as she shoulda been. And other stuff too, but I read/saw Azkaban over a month ago and can't remember anything else other than being disappointed.

I agree that the stage is set for Half Blood to be a heck of a dark ride. As is Star Wars III. With Half Blood and SWIII both coming out roughly the same time, there should be plenty of evil to wallow in. If one those is going to wimp out and disappoint, I bet its Lucas.