Sunday, September 12, 2004

A Momentous Day

Today is an anniversary. Well, actually it's two anniversaries in one. First of all, it's my birthday, the anniversary of the day I was foisted upon the unsuspecting world.

Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, this is the fifteenth anniversary of the day I was bitten by a radioactive spider, changing me from mild mannered klund into ... Arachno-Guy! Now, I'll admit that I don't have the greatest costume, and my only super ability is that I can eat bugs without vomiting. And sure, I don't actually fight crime, or save babies or anything, but I probably could if I gave a damn.

So maybe it's not that big of an anniversary after all. Fine, bugger off!


MeanMrMustard said...

Happy friggin' birthday.

BiggTree said...

By my math it was also the 14th annual celebration of your 19th birthday. Was it not?

Scooter said...

Brad and I were BOTH lamenting the lack of Christo's - mostly because I was describing the bike classic route to him and explaining where it didn't go in St. Paul, and Christo's was one of the places it didn't go. But that doesn't matter - all that matters is I didn't get to eat some poor lamb in celebration of your birthday! Hey, did you know that Tracey Gold of Growing Pains is only two years older then you are now? Go figure. Did you get the books I um...sent you for your bithday...yah, that's what they were for...really...happy birthday. I have another book for you that I think you will like far more than anything I've ever sent you - Mr. Mustard wants to read it too - but I'm going to send it to you first so you can lord it over him, cause that's sort of fun - enjoy the power - that'll be your real Birthday present, annoying Mr. Mustard, not a good book to read. Who the hell is this other guy wishing you happy birthday - I hope he's been approved. I don't remember approving him. Mr. Mustard and Tall Brad didn't tell me they approved him. Boot him. Erase his comment. He's an outsider and we don't have time for outsiders.

Scooter said...

Never mind, don't boot him...this blog is so sad that you seem like a vertible writing/techical whiz, even after several years of technological decrapitude. He's not a threat...he's pretty lame, like us...we accept him.

klund said...

Do not mess with the Big Tree. The Big Tree knew how much of an a** I was long before I ever met any of you. Trust me, the brilliance of his blog is in its subtle melancholy - it takes true genius to so adroitly hide genius.

I think.

Anyway, the Big Tree is cool.