Thursday, June 18, 2009

Worst. Billboard. Ever.

I drove by a billboard like this frequently while in Washington (this isn't my picture - I stole it from somebody), and couldn't help thinking that this message is wrong on so many levels.

First of all, how the heck would more babies stimulate the economy? Are we supposed to use them to feed the hungry? Fuel our vehicles? Call me a cynic, but don't unwanted babies frequently end up as a drain on the economy?

It got me to thinking - if God really wanted to stimulate the economy, wouldn't a more effective approach be to randomly kill 50 or 60 million people? Sure, there would be widespread confusion and chaos for a bit, but it would really allow us to streamline businesses and government (shedding dead weight, as the case would be).

And lastly, if this really was God's approach to stimulate the economy, would they really be dropped down from heaven in convenient four-packs? While it is likely more cost-effective, it seems uncomfortable for the babies, and a bit of a burden on whomever gets the delivery. You'd think God would have thought it through better.

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