Friday, November 02, 2007

What did we do to deserve this President?

Man, he's annoying.

At a talk before the Heritage Foundation, Bush likened Congress to those who ignored Lenin and Hitler, and warned that they should spend more time listening to terrorists than

There are so many ways to go with this.

Bush on Hitler:
In the 1920s, the world ignored the words of Hitler, as he explained his intention to build an Aryan super-state in Germany, take revenge on Europe, and eradicate the Jews — and the world paid a terrible price.

When he's talking about people ignoring Hitler, does he mean people like his own grandfather?

Wait, that is a tenuous connection, and doesn't really have anything to do with Bush himself, so maybe we should go a different route: Hitler rose to power by solidifying power in the executive branch, while continually nudging the German constitution out of the way until it became meaningless. Gee, who do we know who acts like that?

Bush on bin Laden:
When it comes to funding our troops, some in Washington should spend more time responding to the warnings of terrorists like Osama bin Laden and the requests of our commanders on the ground and less time responding to the demands of bloggers and Code Pink protesters.

We should spend more time worrying about bin Laden, huh? So, which video will make your stomach churn more, this one, or this one?

Is there anything that Bush does that doesn't reek of irony?

Addendum: I watched the Kerry/Bush video again, and it made me wonder: How many people who voted in 2004 actually voted for a candidate? How many people were actually energized by the candidate themselves? I would guess that most people who voted were either voting for their party, or against the guy they disliked the most. Please, somebody with more life experience than I have tell me when there was a Presidential election with two less likable candidates.

1 comment:

BiggTree said...

uffda -- A man of your age asking to hear from someone with more life experience is like a man in a hurricane trying to hear a mosquito fart.