Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Eye opening

I sure am glad that CNN.com bumped this column by some doofus named Roland Martin to their front page. It's not written particularly well, has no new ideas, is self-congratulatory, builds straw men, and isn't worth the pixels that display it.

Obviously I have no good reasons for determining what gets put on this crappy blog.


Scooter said...

And now I read it because of you. Nice. I've heard that voice he talks about telling me not to sleep with many beautiful women. It sounds suspiciously like my wife. But I've learned to tune her out on certain issues.

Anonymous said...

Now, I too have wasted my time reading that column. How is it that you have time to read columns when you are at home looking after 4 kids and 2 dogs and 1 wife?

klund said...

I actually have a lot more free time now. Once I realized how easy it was with the dogs in their kennels, I went to Petco and bought four more. (Kelson doesn't need one.)