Monday, April 25, 2005

Things learned this weekend

Well, I sure did learn a lot this weekend. In no particular order:
  • If I park in the Kellog ramp after an Xcel event I'll probably sit in my van for 20 minutes before even turning it on.
  • It's amazing what kind of response you can get (as a rock god, of course) by merely remembering where you are. Adam Levine: "St. Paul, Minnesota!" (not "Hello, St. Paul!" or "How are you doing St. Paul?" All he did was name the place.) Crowd: [goes nuts]. "He knows where he is!" Swoon.
  • If the line to get into a restaurant stretches into their parking lot, it is by definition a good restaurant.
  • Napoleon Dynamite was entertaining, but not "brilliant", "groundbreaking" or "scatological." Klund rating: 72.
  • Benefit number 47 of being married to a dentist: When you get a salmon bone stuck into your tonsils, your spouse has the tools to easily remove it. (and yes, I feel like a complete idiot for not getting photographic evidence)
  • Those bastards at Yahoo! have Cossetta's at the wrong place. Or at least at a location that they occupied probably 50 years ago.
  • Pope Benedict XVI prayed not to be elected Pope. I'm sure prayer has its place, but don't you think a well-placed "If elected I will not serve" speech would have been more effective?
  • It's sad what I consider learning a lot.


MeanMrMustard said...

You know and I know (well, we both know it now) that Cossetta's is at 211 West 7th. But if you google "221 Exchange St", you'll find lots of references to Cossetta's. So it's not just Yahoo.

What's an Adam Levine?

klund said...

Michelle and I walked to 221 Exchange St, where there was an old brick building with no visible doors and a tattered old sign saying "Cossetta's". We walked up the hill towards W 7th St and I said that we'll just find someplace to eat. Michelle said, "What about the Cossetta's over there?" Um, yeah, that'll do.

klund said...

Oh, this is an Adam Levine, however not the one we saw. We saw this one. Isn't he dreamy?

MeanMrMustard said...

I'm guessing the Adam Levine effect is better if you can hear him shouting "221 Exchange Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota!"

Scooter said...

Eww...there was just something on Fuse about how Maroon5 was one of the top three bands to make out to - that, your link and the fishbone story, all put together, make me very uneasy.